
feminine noun
1.1. acction or effect of crossing an area, a continent, a sea, etc.; crossway.

Our mission is to build a world provided with more inclusion. A world of all, with all and for all. Therefore, we create crossways strategically, in order to provide more inclusive, fair and egalitarian environments.

We believe that D&I are the right thing to do, and, to get where we want, we have to make a crossway, from where we are to where we want to go.

Foto com 2 rostos sobrepostos: 1 homem negro olha para a esquerda, 1 mulher branca para a direita.
Foto em tom rosa com mulheres com cor da pele branca, parda, preta e amarela, e pinturas na face.


We have a commitment with Ethics, Respect, Justice and Diversity with Inclusion. These values, for us, are non-negotiable!


It’s based on 6 attitudes:
Social effectiveness
Conscious listening


Our team!

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Cover of the institutional presentation. Two women, one black and one white
Institutional Presentation 2024
em: Institucional
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